Expressions of sublime beauty, eternalized in fine art jewellery



When I think about the sameness of the days, how it's the same room, the same place, the same time I wake up everyday, I can't help but wonder how 'normal' once was. It's hard to remember what things were like.

Was it the freedom of visiting loved ones whenever I felt like it? Or strolling in the mall, or eating out, or travelling?

Then again, once I sit down in my office and look out the window, I realise there's nothing the same about yesterday and today. The sun shines a little differently this season. The dragonflies are out. Perhaps it will rain. Or perhaps not. It's a bit humid.

Tomorrow the air might feel drier. I might go out for a walk where there aren't many people. A might see the birds that sneak around the vines and the wild fig trees, sipping nectar from little flowes. They aren't always there. I have to cross my fingers to see them.

Before I knew it, my notebook has filled up with new and exciting ideas. There is beauty in routine, in small spaces, in hidden corners, and unexpected visitors. There is beauty in simply being alive and breathing things in.

Electryone and Icarus

Electryone and Icarus

View From the Window

View From the Window